Monday, August 6, 2007

Co Dependant Lovers

Sunday morning at the beauty salon. I am at DAR salon being pampered (very rare for me, mother of 4 boys, etc.!) When I, or anyone, for that matter, is happy at a salon, our chakras are open, we are extremely open and vulnerable, we chat to our hairstylist about this and that, and it's generally a fun and happy experience. Like the woman who came in a little after me, and was seated in the chair on my left.

Now, I am very inquisitive at the salon. I love looking at what some one else may look like before they get started, while and after their hair cutting or colour or whatever... Maybe I have a dream that one day I may be able to cut hair and own a salon... I love the feel of cutting hair. Sometimes my boys let me cut their hair, and I get super excited!

So to come back to the woman on my left. I shall call her 40s Girlie. That is because she was maybe 45, must have been quite pretty in her youth, but now her face was starting to show her age... She was wearing jeans, a pink Tshirt and pink ballet shoes. She was sweet in a sugary way, not offensive, mind, just seemed sweet. She chatted NON STOP to her stylist, who had a long pony tail and streaked blond her and was obviously gay. (I like gay men, they are so interesting!). I did not pay much attention to the content of their chatter, but just imbibed the spirit: fun, chatty, girlie. 40s Girlie was having a very nice hour!

Then I happened to look at the chair on my right. I shall call him Brooding Metrosexual Male. A dark young man of maybe 28 was having his hair mussed. I say mussed as that is what the stylist was doing at the time... He put oodles of hair product, maybe wax, or some x-clay and was very deliberately teasing and mussing his hair... There was NO conversation at all between this man and his stylist. The spirit was quiet, a bit angry and the stylist was trying to stay focused on the mussing! I sneaked another glance at this man. He was hot! But his face looked so angry and closed, that I had to control my natural urge of telling him how great his hair and he looked...

I turned to my left to 40s Girlie who was done.

She looked so happy, and pretty, and when I caught her eye, I smiled and told her she looked beautiful. Just then Brooding Metrosexual Male entered my frame of vision, and to my surprise, which later turned to amused delight, hugged 40s Girlie, kissed the top of her head, and caressed the back of her neck... you could just see her aura get pink with love and pleasure (or maybe only I can see that, as I see and smell auras and chakras!). She tucked her hand possessively in the back pocket of his jeans and they strolled out of the parlour together.

I told myself to expand my horizons and broaden my narrow Suburban Mom mind! Maybe they really were married and were just a very affectionate couple. Or maybe she's very wealthy (it's a very expensive salon) and he's her toy boy?! I liked this idea more... But what are they getting from each other, I later thought sadly. He's getting money and some sex. She's getting a young handsome man to love her and feed her insecure spirit.

Co Dependant Lovers. Temporary, Energy Vampires, Tragic.

Jhilmil Breckenridge is a lifestyle coach. Contact her if you seem to be stuck in co dependant relationships, they can be very very damaging to the soul. Let her help take you on a healing journey inwards... where the only soul you rely upon is you!


Tanya said...

Nice article. But even if they were both using each other that is not so bad is it? They would both be getting something out of it. I wonder what the real story was though!

JSpirit said...

I just was bothered with the brooding anger in the young man. If he was kind and loving, I would have been delighted for them... but there was something a little distasteful about his demeanour.

Who knows what the real story is, and who cares? It's so much fun to make these stories up and imagine and play...

Anonymous said...

Uh sounded very judgemental to me, and presumptuous! He may not have been angry, may be shy because of the gay hair dresser! and the entire description of the lady seemed so I-am-better-than-her!

JSpirit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JSpirit said...

Hi Anonymous!

Thanks for visiting... He did not have the gay hairdresser, she did... and maybe he had just had a bad morning. I don't know. I just had fun watching this little snippet in a morning...

I hate sounding judgemental, and try really hard not to, so I need to revisit the article to see if I was judgemental.

But thanks for posting your comment, and keep them coming, so I can stop being judgemental, etc.!


Harsh said...

Hi Jhilmil! This is Harsh. I worked under Alka at TBW in 2000. Its nice to see your blog. I have also become a writer - but a more formal one. I published my first book with Rupa on leadership and am on to my second right now. How is Doughlas? Any news about the whereabouts of Alka?