Thursday, August 23, 2007

Singing my way to God!

Wednesday evening, 6:45 pm. German School, New Delhi...

I entered the foyer, breathless, excited and flushed, a bottle of water in one hand, and my purse in the other. With the sweet anticipation of meeting a beloved, I asked for directions to the Choir meet that evening...

Now, I l-o-v-e singing! I may not be the best, but that does not stop me from singing whenever I am happy, singing when I do yoga, singing when I get my kids ready for school in the morning. And when I am truly connected with the music, I get goose bumps—God's way of telling me I was born to sing! Or so I choose to believe...

So when my friend, Tuk Tuk, large, slightly hypertensive, and wonderful, asks me whether I want to come to the Capital City Minstrels, Delhi's foremost and oldest Western music choir, I jump for joy! I anticipate the time she had indicated all night and all day until it arrived, and I was there... notwithstanding my aching body, my sleep deprived soul, and close to laryngitis voice!

And it's true... when Gabriella (our conductor and pianist) started us on stretches and warm ups, I felt like a diva stretching before my show. And when I sang, I got goose bumps...

Singing. 2 hours of bliss. 2 hours of pure meditation. Singing—as a path to God?


What do you enjoy so much that you forget everything else? I'd love to hear from you!

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