Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Chick Flicks, Massages & More...

Sometimes a girl just has to collapse. And receive love. A lot of people receive love and healing through sex, parties, books, and friends. I receive it from chick flicks, massages, and hair cuts.

Chick Flicks. Shameless crying. Popcorn and Coke. A cuddle from my six year old son. Priceless healing! Today we did that by watching Iqbal. Independence Day celebratory film at India Habitat Centre. I cried non stop, it was so sweet and touching. And my soul feels like it's been bathed in the salty tears...

Massages. This is a new one for me. I've gone almost 40 years pooh poohing these so called ladies of leisure while they got their massages, or the suburban mom in me crinkling my nose at disgust at stories of middle aged men visiting Thai massage parlours. But all that was before I met Rajni. Rajni, the chatty, neighbourhood masseuse of our colony was sent to me by a well meaning friend as I've just had a major abdominal surgery and healing was painful and slow. Rajni is Pure Love. Pure Ayurveda. Pure Healing! I'm hooked, and I fear I am turning into one of those society ladies who lunch, who take out their Blackberries to schedule their weekly massages...!

Hair Cuts. What can I say about these? That I've always found them better than sex? A hair cut is about the most vain, most fun thing I do, just for me. Whenever I've had enough of my adorable 4 sons and L-I-F-E, I drive to the parlour and tell them to do what they like. A cappuccino, a girly magazine, and a new look later, I feel sexy, beautiful and ready to step back into my life.

So, what do you do to recharge? On India's 60th birthday, write to me and tell me your favourite ways to heal.



Celestial Inspirations said...

hmmmm...sinc i'm relatively new to the blog writing Jhilmil, m gonna play it safe n comment on the fun things. So here's to the shallow ways to fun,which invariably add depth to our lives and personas.
Watched part of "A perfect Man" on Hbo...yeah the title got my attention! as isn't this what we women keep sighing for while fully aware that its a fallacy!?
Jokes aside...i believe we all need to find our own meaning of perfection(or as near to it) and work at reaching that meaning...in life, in love,most of all in relationships with MEN!!........... somewhere i think we make happy compromises or rather work at making our compromises happy any which way we can.
My indulgence and escape is in the world of books....i just lose myself in them. And when too many words events incidences begin crowding around in my head battling for superimacy over my being- i simply put on my 'mood' music,loud,to silence the battle's thunder n chaos.Used to love going for long drives- just me my car my music and the empty roads of freedom...but that was when Delhi was safer and each family of 2 did not have 4 cars to jostle for space on the roads! So now my freedom resides within me...most of the times.
Oh...those massages...mmmmm...lovely arent they? Looking forward to the complete pampering as you promised!

Celestial Inspirations said...

Hey! i kinda like what i hv posted. Think will post it on my blog too...with few changes! He he.. ;)

JSpirit said...

Thanks VSpirit for reading, and sharing!

Stay involved...
